FMOD Studio 2.03 Detailed Revision History not available?


I just noticed that, for some reason, the Detailed Revision History webpage for 2.03 just isn’t working and redirects back to the Welcome page. This behavior happens for me in both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Link to 2.03 docs Welcome Page
Link to what should be the Detailed Revision History
Link to the 2.02 Detailed Revision History, for comparison

Is there a reason for this? I wanted to double-check a few fixed bugs but I deleted some of the newsletter emails and can’t find the details anywhere else. Cheers!

Just to be sure - the 2nd link you say is jsut going to the welcome page and not the detailed revision history? I have tried on 5 different browsers and on 2 different physical locations and it does link to the detailed revision history. Let me know if this is still happening for you, it could be a caching issue.

Sorry to cause any alarm! I tried it later on another machine, and had no issues whatsoever. Whatever the cause, the issue seems to be local to me and one of my machines personally.

Very strange, and sorry again!