I have instantiated the EventInstances and fed it the calling GameObject to know whether the sound needs to be muted (behind an obstacle).
The one-shot EventInstance plays just fine, it picks up on all of the value changes, but won’t follow the GameObject to which it is attached.
To avoid errors, I used the code suggested in other forum post:
See full class code:
public class SoundBiteInstance : MonoBehaviour
public FMOD.Studio.EventInstance evInst;
public GameObject callingGO;
public List<string> TagsToIgnore = new List<string>();
private float _visibilityIncrementMultiplier = 6.5f;
private float soundClipTimer = 0;
private bool Started = false;
private bool _menuOpen = false;
public bool _isVisible = true;
[Range(0,1)]public float _visibility = 1f;
private void OnEnable()
{ MenuManagerScript.OnMenuOpen += ReactToMenuOpenClose; }
private void OnDisable()
{ MenuManagerScript.OnMenuOpen -= ReactToMenuOpenClose; }
private void Start()
{ OnEventInstCreation(); }
private void FixedUpdate()
if (Started == true && _menuOpen == false)
public void OnEventInstCreation()
FMOD.Studio.EventDescription evDescr;
evInst.getDescription(out evDescr);
int lengthsOfClipMill = 0;
evDescr.getLength(out lengthsOfClipMill);
if (_isVisible) _visibility = 1f; else _visibility = 0f;
soundClipTimer = (float)lengthsOfClipMill * 0.001f;
evInst.start(); Started = true;
private void ReactToMenuOpenClose(bool aBool)
_menuOpen = aBool;
public void DetermineVisibility()
LayerMask layerMask = (1 << 6) | (1 << 8) | (1 << 10) | (1 << 15);
GameObject _player = GameObject.Find("Player");
Vector3 _playerPos = Vector3.zero;
Vector2 _playerDir = Vector2.zero;
if (_player != null) _playerPos = _player.transform.position;
if (_player != null) _playerDir = GetDirection(_player.transform.position, transform.position);
RaycastHit2D[] collidersHit = Physics2D.RaycastAll(transform.position, _playerDir, Vector3.Distance(transform.position, _playerPos), layerMask);
if (collidersHit.Any())
if (collidersHit[0].collider.tag == "Player") _isVisible = true;
else if (collidersHit.Length > 1 && TagsToIgnore.Contains(collidersHit[0].collider.tag) && collidersHit[1].collider.tag == "Player") { _isVisible = true; }
else { _isVisible = false; }
public Vector2Int GetDirection(Vector3 aPlayerPos, Vector3 aSoundPos)
float posX = aPlayerPos.x - aSoundPos.x;
float posY = aPlayerPos.y - aSoundPos.y;
float angle = Mathf.Atan2(posY, posX) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
GameObject temp = new GameObject();
temp.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, angle - 90));
Vector2 dirTemp = temp.transform.up;
Vector2Int direction = Vector2Int.RoundToInt(dirTemp);
return direction;
private void UpdateValuesWhileSoundBiteLasts()
if (soundClipTimer >= 0)
soundClipTimer -= Time.fixedDeltaTime;
evInst.setParameterByName("Visible", _visibility);
else { StopImmediately(); }
private void UpdateVisibilityValue()
if (_isVisible == true && _visibility < 1)
if (_visibility + Time.fixedDeltaTime * _visibilityIncrementMultiplier <= 1)
{ _visibility += Time.fixedDeltaTime * _visibilityIncrementMultiplier; }
else _visibility = 1f;
else if (_isVisible != true && _visibility > 0)
if (_visibility - Time.fixedDeltaTime * _visibilityIncrementMultiplier >= 0)
{ _visibility -= Time.fixedDeltaTime * _visibilityIncrementMultiplier; }
else _visibility = 0f;
public void StopImmediately()