Fmod_systemi_thread.cpp(138) - assertion: 'mCrit[crit]' failed when trying to migrate user_created_sound example to UE

Everything works as expected, except the following error log happens every time exiting the play session.

LogFMOD: Error: c:\jk\workspace\Build__2.2__Unreal_Win\core_api\src\fmod_systemi_thread.cpp(65) - assertion: 'mCrit[crit]' failed
LogFMOD: Error: c:\jk\workspace\Build__2.2__Unreal_Win\core_api\src\fmod_systemi_thread.cpp(138) - assertion: 'mCrit[crit]' failed
LogFMOD: Error: c:\jk\workspace\Build__2.2__Unreal_Win\core_api\src\fmod_systemi_thread.cpp(65) - assertion: 'mCrit[crit]' failed
LogFMOD: Error: c:\jk\workspace\Build__2.2__Unreal_Win\core_api\src\fmod_systemi_thread.cpp(138) - assertion: 'mCrit[crit]' failed
LogWorld: UWorld::CleanupWorld for FirstPersonExampleMap, bSessionEnded=true, bCleanupResources=true


// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

#include "MultiSoundActor.h"

// Sets default values
 	// Set this actor to call Tick() every frame.  You can turn this off to improve performance if you don't need it.
	PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;


FMOD_RESULT F_CALLBACK pcmreadcallback(FMOD_SOUND* /*sound*/, void* data, unsigned int datalen)
	static float  t1 = 0, t2 = 0;        // time
	static float  v1 = 0, v2 = 0;        // velocity
	signed short* stereo16bitbuffer = (signed short*)data;

	for (unsigned int count = 0; count < (datalen >> 2); count++)     // >>2 = 16bit stereo (4 bytes per sample)
		*stereo16bitbuffer++ = (signed short)(FMath::Sin(t1) * 32767.0f);    // left channel
		*stereo16bitbuffer++ = (signed short)(FMath::Sin(t2) * 32767.0f);    // right channel

		t1 += 0.01f + v1;
		t2 += 0.0142f + v2;
		v1 += (float)(FMath::Sin(t1) * 0.002f);
		v2 += (float)(FMath::Sin(t2) * 0.002f);

	return FMOD_OK;

// Called when the game starts or when spawned
void AMultiSoundActor::BeginPlay()
    auto StudioSystem = IFMODStudioModule::Get().GetStudioSystem(EFMODSystemContext::Runtime);


	FMOD::System* system = nullptr;
	void* extradriverdata = 0;

	memset(&exinfo, 0, sizeof(FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO));
	exinfo.cbsize = sizeof(FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO);  /* Required. */
	exinfo.numchannels = 2;                               /* Number of channels in the sound. */
	exinfo.defaultfrequency = 44100;                           /* Default playback rate of sound. */
	exinfo.decodebuffersize = 44100;                           /* Chunk size of stream update in samples. This will be the amount of data passed to the user callback. */
	exinfo.length = exinfo.defaultfrequency * exinfo.numchannels * sizeof(signed short) * 5; /* Length of PCM data in bytes of whole song (for Sound::getLength) */
	exinfo.format = FMOD_SOUND_FORMAT_PCM16;         /* Data format of sound. */
	exinfo.pcmreadcallback = pcmreadcallback;                 /* User callback for reading. */

	verifyfmod(system->createSound(0, mode, &exinfo, &sound));

	verifyfmod(system->playSound(sound, 0, 0, &channel));


// Called every frame
void AMultiSoundActor::Tick(float DeltaTime)


void AMultiSoundActor::EndPlay(EEndPlayReason::Type Why)
	if (channel) 
	if (sound) 



What version of FMOD and Unreal are you using?

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FMOD: 2.02.12

Doesn’t seem to affect the program running, but since it’s an assert, figured I should ask.

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Thank you for bringing this to our attention and it is definitely worth investigating. I have passed this on to our development team to look into further.

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