FMOD Audio Not Playing in UE4 Game Build. Odd Errors

Hello Everyone,

My team has been trying to troubleshoot some issues with building the game. I’m getting these errors in relation to FMOD 1.10.13 in UE4 4.22. I’m wondering if it’s something related to the blueprint being serialized before the plugins are loaded, or an issue with the banks. We are mid transition to 4.22 from 4.21, so getting reloaded banks to the person building/packaging the game is very tricky.

Here are the errors:

LogFMOD: FFMODStudioEditorModule startup
LogClass: Warning: BoolProperty FFMODAttenuationDetails::bOverrideAttenuation is not initialized properly
LogAutomationTest: Warning: BoolProperty FFMODAttenuationDetails::bOverrideAttenuation is not initialized properly


LogFMOD: Matching system sample rate 48000
LogFMOD: Warning: f:\jk\workspace\1.10_UE4.22_Win64\lowlevel_api\platforms\win\src\fmod_output_wasapi.cpp(549) - Starvation detected in WASAPI output buffer!
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogClass: Warning: BoolProperty FFMODAttenuationDetails::bOverrideAttenuation is not initialized properly
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogAutomationTest: Warning: BoolProperty FFMODAttenuationDetails::bOverrideAttenuation is not initialized properly
PackagingResults: Warning: BoolProperty FFMODAttenuationDetails::bOverrideAttenuation is not initialized properly
PackagingResults: Warning: BoolProperty FFMODAttenuationDetails::bOverrideAttenuation is not initialized properly
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogInit: Display: LogClass: Warning: BoolProperty FFMODAttenuationDetails::bOverrideAttenuation is not initialized properly
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogInit: Display: LogAutomationTest: Warning: BoolProperty FFMODAttenuationDetails::bOverrideAttenuation is not initialized properly

Thank you for any help!

While the warnings aren’t ideal, I’ll get those removed for the next release, they should not be causing any errors.

If you are able to send any relevant log files to I can look into this further.

Hey! So, fixed it. For any who see this I would try these on whatever version you are using. The issue was the master bank not being found. Those warning were not causing the lack of sound. I suspect that spaces in the Master Bank’s name were the culprit.

  1. Check that your FMOD folder is included in UE4’s “Additional Non-Asset Directories to Package”

  2. Rename the FMOD “Master Bank” to “MasterBank”. Be sure to check your FMODStudio settings within UE4. There is a setting called “Master Bank Name” that you need to update with the new name. Spaces in bank names seems to cause issues with UE4

  3. If you are on windows, you may need to uncheck Read-only from your FMOD Folder, and update the security permissions to give you full control.

  4. Triplecheck that you are building for the correct platform, delete your bank files, and rebuild the folder. Repeat step 3.

  5. If you are building for only one platform, enter its name in the “Force Platform Name” under your FMODStudio settings within UE4. For example, I only build for Desktop, so I put desktop in that field.

If you have a massive project and want to test this quickly. Make a new level and place an fmod event in it. When you package the project, only package that level. If that works, you could then confidently move on to packaging the actual levels/maps you want to test.

Good luck!