Fmod Unity ERR_Memory in build causing no sound

Hi all,

This error appear when I play at my build for 30min-40 (it’s kinda random) :
SystemNotInitializedException: FMOD Studio initialization failed : FMOD.Studio.System.Create : ERR_MEMORY : Not enough memory or ressources.

I’ve tried things like stop all events when a scene is loading and destroy all fmod runtime manager, increase the virtual channel number, but it doesn’t work.

Is there something I’m missing about fmod optimization ?

Thank you in advance !

Hi Coquelle,

From what you’re describing, the issue sounds like you’re creating multiple systems somehow. Can you check through your project and ensure that you’re not manually calling for FMOD systems to be created?

You can also look for what is being destroyed and what is persisting between scenes. Ensure any event instances not needed are released.


Hi Coquelle,

Were you able to find out if there were multiple systems being created in your game?
