I’m simply trying to “merge” 2 examples of FMOD Unity : Record microphones and GetSpectrum.
I have this so far :
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using UnityEngine;
public class ScriptUsageRecordMicrophone : MonoBehaviour
private FMOD.System fmodSystem;
private FMOD.DSP mFFT;
private float[] mFFTSpectrum;
const int WindowSize = 1024;
public int id;
private int m_microphoneID;
private uint LATENCY_MS = 5;
private uint DRIFT_MS = 1;
private uint samplesRecorded, samplesPlayed = 0;
private int nativeRate, nativeChannels = 0;
private uint recSoundLength = 0;
uint lastPlayPos = 0;
uint lastRecordPos = 0;
private uint driftThreshold = 0;
private uint desiredLatency = 0;
private uint adjustLatency = 0;
private int actualLatency = 0;
private FMOD.Sound recSound;
private FMOD.Channel channel;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
fmodSystem = FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CoreSystem;
Determine latency in samples.
m_microphoneID = -1;
string name = "";
while (m_microphoneID < id)
FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CoreSystem.getRecordDriverInfo(id, out name, 30, out _, out nativeRate, out speakerMode, out nativeChannels, out driverState);
&& speakerMode == FMOD.SPEAKERMODE.MONO)
driftThreshold = (uint)(nativeRate * DRIFT_MS) / 1000;
desiredLatency = (uint)(nativeRate * LATENCY_MS) / 1000;
adjustLatency = desiredLatency;
actualLatency = (int)desiredLatency;
Create user sound to record into, then start recording.
exInfo.cbsize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(FMOD.CREATESOUNDEXINFO));
exInfo.numchannels = nativeChannels;
exInfo.format = FMOD.SOUND_FORMAT.PCM16;
exInfo.defaultfrequency = nativeRate;
exInfo.length = (uint)(nativeRate * sizeof(short) * nativeChannels);
FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CoreSystem.createSound("", FMOD.MODE.LOOP_NORMAL | FMOD.MODE.OPENUSER, ref exInfo, out recSound);
FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CoreSystem.recordStart(id, recSound, true);
recSound.getLength(out recSoundLength, FMOD.TIMEUNIT.PCM);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
Determine how much has been recorded since we last checked
uint recordPos = 0;
FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CoreSystem.getRecordPosition(id, out recordPos);
uint recordDelta = (recordPos >= lastRecordPos) ? (recordPos - lastRecordPos) : (recordPos + recSoundLength - lastRecordPos);
lastRecordPos = recordPos;
samplesRecorded += recordDelta;
uint minRecordDelta = 0;
if (recordDelta != 0 && (recordDelta < minRecordDelta))
minRecordDelta = recordDelta; // Smallest driver granularity seen so far
adjustLatency = (recordDelta <= desiredLatency) ? desiredLatency : recordDelta; // Adjust our latency if driver granularity is high
Delay playback until our desired latency is reached.
if (!channel.hasHandle() && samplesRecorded >= adjustLatency)
FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CoreSystem.getMasterChannelGroup(out FMOD.ChannelGroup mCG);
FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CoreSystem.playSound(recSound, mCG, false, out channel);
if (fmodSystem.createDSPByType(FMOD.DSP_TYPE.FFT, out mFFT) == FMOD.RESULT.OK)
mFFT.setParameterInt((int)FMOD.DSP_FFT.WINDOWSIZE, WindowSize * 2);
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("FMOD: Unable to add mFFT to the master channel group");
Determine how much has been played since we last checked.
if (channel.hasHandle())
uint playPos = 0;
channel.getPosition(out playPos, FMOD.TIMEUNIT.PCM);
uint playDelta = (playPos >= lastPlayPos) ? (playPos - lastPlayPos) : (playPos + recSoundLength - lastPlayPos);
lastPlayPos = playPos;
samplesPlayed += playDelta;
// Compensate for any drift.
int latency = (int)(samplesRecorded - samplesPlayed);
actualLatency = (int)((0.97f * actualLatency) + (0.03f * latency));
int playbackRate = nativeRate;
if (actualLatency < (int)(adjustLatency - driftThreshold))
// Playback position is catching up to the record position, slow playback down by 2%
playbackRate = nativeRate - (nativeRate / 50);
else if (actualLatency > (int)(adjustLatency + driftThreshold))
// Playback is falling behind the record position, speed playback up by 2%
playbackRate = nativeRate + (nativeRate / 50);
// GetSpectrum
if (mFFT.hasHandle())
uint length;
IntPtr unmanagedData;
if (mFFT.getParameterData((int)FMOD.DSP_FFT.SPECTRUMDATA, out unmanagedData, out length) == FMOD.RESULT.OK)
FMOD.DSP_PARAMETER_FFT fftData = (FMOD.DSP_PARAMETER_FFT)Marshal.PtrToStructure(unmanagedData, typeof(FMOD.DSP_PARAMETER_FFT));
if (fftData.numchannels > 0)
if (mFFTSpectrum == null)
// Allocate the fft spectrum buffer once
for (int i = 0; i < fftData.numchannels; ++i)
mFFTSpectrum = new float[fftData.length];
fftData.getSpectrum(0, ref mFFTSpectrum);
private void OnDestroy()
I can hear the record, the DSP is added and there is 1 channel detected before to get the spectrum, but the result is either 0 or something e-8, so almost 0.
Because I know pretty much nothing it may be just the settings between the two parts which don’t align.
Could you help me, maybe just even by pointing some documentation ?
Thanks a lot and have a nice day !