Granular Loops / Multis with crossfades

Hi I am trying to achieve what i call granular loops where you take a longish sound and chop it up into a number of segments and then crossfade between each one before playing the next. You can place those segments into a multi on a timeline and add a loop region slightly shorter than the length of the container, then add a transition timeline to create a crossfade between each loop. But this way unfortunately limits the design to require each segment to be the same duration.

So the question is how could this be achieved so that the segments dont have to be the same duration?
In Wwise you can create a random looping container and set a crossfade value to a desired duration. Is there an equivalent in FMOD Studio for multi instruments?

Sidenote, i dont really want to use a scatter instrument cause i dont want the grains to overlap unless crossfading, and i want each grain to play for its entire duration.
The reason for doing this is also to make instances of these loops in the world far less likely phase with one another, so for things like fire loops, collision slides and scrapes, running water, etc.

You can’t do this with one multi instrument, but it’s possible to get the behavior you describe by laying multiple single and multi instruments out along the timeline and using logic markers to jump between them.

Thanks, that’s a shame and I’d love to see this feature in the future. But i’ll make do with the constraint of having fixed file lengths for now, until i come up with a way to automate placing those markers :slight_smile: