The default settings for a 3D sound seem to be that it can be heard up to 20 meters and while that’s reasonable, unfortunately I’m working with higher distances in my game and I need to increase this distance. I have tried to do it through the spatializer by changing the distance override, changing the curve, doing it with the distance parameter with custom curves and nothing seems to work. The best I can achieve is a louder sound before it cuts off at the 20 meter mark. I also tried to increase the volume but that just makes the sound louder beyond that 20 meter mark.
The weird thing is that the 3D Preview automatically increases the radius but in practice all it does is make the sound cut out by a small nudge on it so I assume FMOD studio does see that I’m messing with the distances but doesn’t really seem to do what I want it to?
How can I go about increasing the max distance a 3D sound can be heard at?
Not sure how relevant this is but I need it for a Unity project but it cuts off both in the Unity and the FMOD project.
Without knowing what method you’re using to attenuate the volume of the event over distance, I’m afraid I can’t be sure - but assuming that you’re using a spatializer effect with default settings, you should be increase the maximum distance at which the event can be heard by increasing the max distance property in the event’s macro controls. These controls appear in FMOD Studio’s event editor window, at the right end of the deck, when the event’s master track is selected (or when nothing else is selected).
If the spatializer effect’s distance override property is enabled, you’ll have to set the spatializer effect’s max distance instead.
If the event contains a scatterer instrument, that instrument may be applying additional spatialization to the sounds it spawns; if this is the case, let me know what behavior you want the scatterer instrument to produce and I’ll explain how to achieve that behavior without additional attenuatoin over distance.
If none of the above applies, I’m afraid I’ll need more information to work out why this is happening.