How to handle dialogue with programmer callbacks?


I’m using the following guide to setup my programmer instrument and link it to an Audio Tree.

I’m struggling to understand how to manage the dialogue using callbacks. I searched for online resources to no avail and also tried random ideas to understand how to check for the callback type but I’m getting nowhere.

What I would like to achieve is - when an audio file from the programmer ends playing, I would like to play another sound, when that one ends, play another one. I’ve implemented an alternative using the multi instrument but with that I have no clear indication when a sound ends.

I’m assuming that I have to check for FMOD.Studio.EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE in the Update() method and if it is equal to FMOD.Studio.EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE.STOPPED, to trigger my next audio sample?

Also, I don’t understand where this callback is stored. Is it in

var dialogueInstance = FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CreateInstance(“event:/World01/Prog”);

Or is it here -

dialogueCallback = new FMOD.Studio.EVENT_CALLBACK(DialogueEventCallback);

I saw that there is a setCallback() method that can be applied to dialogueInstance but I couldn’t understand how to get the callback.


Correct, that is how you would do it.

The second one is the callback. An event instance is a playable instance of the event that you setup in FMOD Studio. A callback is a function with a specific signature that will be called at a time of the event’s choosing. You need to create this callback function yourself and assign the callback to the event instance with setCallback.

In the example this is the callback function:

static FMOD.RESULT DialogueEventCallback(FMOD.Studio.EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE type, IntPtr instancePtr, IntPtr parameterPtr)

You need to create an instance of this callback:

dialogueCallback = new FMOD.Studio.EVENT_CALLBACK(DialogueEventCallback);

And link it to the event instance:


Then you will be able to do things at different point in the event instance’s lifecycle.

    static FMOD.RESULT DialogueEventCallback(FMOD.Studio.EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE type, IntPtr instancePtr, IntPtr parameterPtr)
        switch (type)
                // Play a sound
                // Clean up the sound you made before
                // The event is being stopped
                // The event is being destroyed
        return FMOD.RESULT.OK;