Hi there everyone,
is there a way how to kill or cut sounds that are played as events from Command instruments? The situation:
I have a direction parameter set so that the sound from another event plays only when I am “looking” on 0 to ± 30 degrees, right? I insert command instrument to this specific range of direction and it works, BUT - so far I didnt find a way how to kill previous playing sound. Even if I select “Cut” in the event that is connected to Command instrument, it is triggered as many times as many times I run across the Command instrument´s zone while rotating direction parameter.
I would like to set it up so that it plays only one time and the sound finishes without actually beginning again multiple times. I tried single instruments, scatterrer instruments, multi-instruments, nothing works.
Any ideas?
Thank you!
Command instruments send a command only when they’re triggered. In the case of “start event” command instruments, that command spawns a new event instance, which is subsequently independent of the parent event instance. As such, neither untriggering the command instrument nor stopping the parent event instance will have any effect on that spawned event instance.
If you want to stop an event instance spawned by a command instrument, there are two main ways to do it:
- You could use a “stop event” or “stop event - immediate” command instrument to stop all instances of the event. This is reliable and effective, but there is no way to target one specific instance of the specified event; all playing instances of the event will be receive the stop command.
- You could set the spawned event’s Max Instances property to a low number, and use the stealing behavior to end existing instances of the event by beginning instances. Of course, this method means you cannot stop a playing instance without beginning a new instance to replace it, but that can be less inconvenient than it sounds if you design the event such that it doesn’t produce audio when started when you don’t want it to play.
It sounds like setting the spawned event’s Max Instances property to 1 and setting its stealing mode to “None” would achieve the behavior you want.
Thank you so much! Honestly, the first option (using Stop event Command instrument) is pretty logical and obvious, but somehow it didn´t occur to me as a solution - makes me fool! I will definitelly try that.
As for the second option - I tried to do that - I lowered polyphony of that event to 1, but it sounded the same. What I didn´t do was changing the “stealing” option. I will definitelly try setting it to “none” as well and will write back if that worked!
Thank you so much again!