If I add "Steam Audio" to my fmod session, then upload it to our repository, will the audiio team automatically have it too?

If I add “Steam Audio” to my fmod session, then upload it to our repository, will the audiio team automatically have it too? Or will they have to also add it to their session?

To use the Steam Audio plug-in in FMOD Studio, its files must be in a plugin directory that the project can access, as described here. Everyone who needs to be able to open the project in FMOD Studio needs these files. If you place the files in your FMOD Studio project folder’s plugins subdirectory, and include those files in your project’s source control depot, they should be available to other people using that source control dept.

The local copy of your game engine used by each of your team members must also be configured to use Steam Audio.If the appropriate configuration files from your game engine and the Steam Audio libraries are included in your source control depot, they should be available to other people using that dept.

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