Ignored files shown as modified content

I followed the guide on FMOD documentation page to setup the p4ignore:

# FMod Content

# FMod Plugin, override ignore aka include binaries

Above are the lines from our p4ignore file to properly ignore the auto-generated uassets.
We are facing issues with Unreal Editor still showing these uassets as something that’s modified/need to be added.

Every time a user tries to “Submit Content” from the bottom-right “Revision Control” option in the editor, the engine goes through a discovery process of finding modified assets.

Once done, it shows this window with a bunch of FMOD event uassets in that list.

This is very cumbersome to skim and uncheck those FMOD events before submitting.

Also, we currently only allow specific members on the team to make changes to the bank and the source audio assets are not in the same path as the project.

Couple of notes:

  1. If the user has navigated to the folder where FMOD events are, those FMOD events show up in the list. The list grows as the user navigates through different folders which have FMOD events, sort of like “discovering” the FMOD events.
  2. Trying to submit without unchecking the FMOD events doesn’t actually add the events to the changelist.
  3. The “FMod” word in the p4ignore is not ALL caps, but changing this made no difference locally.

Looking to hear from you.
Thank you.


Thank you for the detailed post.

The issue may be that the paths in your project are /Game/FMOD/Events while the .p4ignore path is */Content/FMod/Banks. If this path is updated does the issue persist?

Hello Connor,

Thank you for your reply.

If I change the path to /Game/FMOD/Events, it may fix the editor, but it will affect tracking done through perforce directly, i.e., checking out files through the perforce visual client.

Are you suggesting that we add both lines to the .p4ignore?

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I think the files in the .p4ignore need to exactly match the files that you want to be ignored. If you try to check out files in the visual client that are part of the p4ignore list you should see a similar error:

HelixCore Docs | Managing Fiels - Ignore files with P4IGNORE.

Please let me know if I am misunderstand the issue.


The screenshot in the original post with the path “/Game/FMOD/Events” looks misleading but its not, as Unreal automatically shows asset paths relative to the project root. Unreal Editor shows file paths under Content folder as " /Game/* "
It is how the editor was made.

The original issue only happens with FMOD files as they are auto-generated on Editor open but located under " Content/FMOD " aka " Game/FMOD/ " (in Unreal Editor terms)

Thank you for the information.

I created a test project and added the FMOD integration with the following ignore file

## FMOD Integration ##

## FMOD Niagara Integration ##

## FMOD Content ##

I was more explicit with my paths to make sure I was identifying the correct files/directories. With this set up I had no issues. I made sure that the paths were exactly the same, including capitalization:

I also ignored everything in the UETest/Content/FMOD directory, then made sure to include the desktop file. I have found this catches anything I may have missed rather than manually setting ignore paths.

Could you please try updating the P4 ignore and deleting any of the files that should not be part of the repo and let me know if the issues persists?

I’ve been experiencing this issue for a long while, thought it was just me doing something wrong but it appears not.

@Connor_FMOD After you set UETest/Content/FMOD in the ignore, did you reopen Unreal? Whenever I try I end up with unreal trying to mark the generated files for add. That happens with ‘/Game/FMOD/Events’ or any possible combination of that path.

I think it could be an Unreal issue where they aren’t respecting the ignore file for assets generated during launch.


Thank you for the information.

Even in UE I am not seeing any of the events being marked for addition. Would it be possible to see your .p4ignore file and the events being added to a change list in UE?

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

Thats strange you don’t see them get marked for add, did you open the Events folders and look at the files? If you don’t have those folders open when you open the project they don’t get added. As soon as you start looking in any of the FMOD related folders Unreal “sees” them for the 1st time and tries to add them.

Attached is an image of the Revision Control submit screen and my ignore file.

Something of interest is that the Content/FMOD/ and !/Content/FMOD/Desktop lines are making the ignore file work correctly in the Perforce GUI. If I try to mark for add there I get the same “The following files were not marked for add…” pop up as you showed above.

p4ignore.txt (1.2 KB)

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Thank you for the screenshot and the ignore file. I noticed my ignored files are marked with a ? in the UE editor:

Do you see the same?

When I try to manually add an event I see the following error in the logs: SourceControl: Error: CommandMessage Command: MarkForAdd, Error: C:\Source\scm\depot\UETest\Content\FMOD\Events\Weapons\Pistol.uasset - ignored file can't be added.

I found I had to have my .p4ignore file at the root of my depo. Maybe that may help?

I was seeing ? at one point but similar to the OP here they still showed up in the change list after clicking on Submit in UE. For some reason now they are all immediately showing + symbols and being marked for add. No matter what I put in my ignore file.

If I go into the change list in unreal and revert all the fmod generated files it shows a ? again on them.

edit: after some more messing around I was able to get the same ? symbols back in the UE submit window and I got the same error when trying to submit them as you did.

I guess that sort of solves it but there is some sort of problem considering the others having the same issue and how much fiddling it took to get it working.

Also yeah, my p4ignore is in the root of the project.

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Oh, this appears to be the same issue but with SVN. Cannot ignore Generated Assets from SVN (Tortoise) - #6 by Leah_FMOD

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Thank you for the photo and the information.

I think another issue was we were submitting change lists differently.

I was opening the View Changes window:

And then selecting the CL from there to submit rather than clicking the Submit Content button from the Revision Control menu:

Which I believe just grabs everything that has been touched which can include ignored files:

SourceControl: Error: CommandMessage Command: MarkForAdd, Error: C:\Source\scm\depot\UETest\Content\FMOD\Buses\SFX\Ambience.uasset - ignored file can't be added.

If you open a specific change list do you see the FMOD event trying to be added?

You’re right, in the View Changes list they don’t show up. How strange! I will let my team mates know. Thanks!

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Hi again, I think I may have found a much better way to do this instead of using the p4ignore file. I found a thread from a while ago, with you in it actually haha, where the OP said they had their p4 admin “do something” to exclude the generated files but they were vague. That’s when it clicked that I could set up the p4 stream to exclude them and it seems to be working perfectly.

Any idea if this is going to break everything? If not I feel like letting people know that its an option in the docs may be beneficial.

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Nice! That looks good, I would suggest adding the exempt files as well to make sure that the required files are not excluded e.g.


The rest can be found here: Unreal Integration | User Guide - Source Control.

Thank you for continuing to work on this! If there is anything else we can do to assist please do not hesitate to ask!

Thank you for looking into this.

I suspect this may be an engine issue.
5.1 - Perforce Integration - Shows ignored files in Content Folders - General / Feedback & Requests - Epic Developer Community Forums

We haven’t been able to verify the solution suggested on this thread above, yet.

Will update this when we do.

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Thank you!