Importing WAV file cue/text/region markers automatically

Hey guys,
Is there any way to have any cue/list/text/region markers inserted into a time-line as markers? E.g., if I have a WAV file that has a bunch of these markers (for caption timing and/or other gameplay required events that aren’t handled in audio or FMOD Studio internally) is there a script or something that can import these?

Let me know, thank you!


As of the time of writing (March of 2023), this feature is in our feature and improvement tracker, but has not yet been scheduled for development. I’ll add you to the list of people interested in it.

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Hey Joseph, I have some so-so C code that does this (it works, though!). I’ll look at the scripting system to see if I can get it there. Thank you!

Hi there!
Related to Request: Features for Embedded Metadata & Markers / Cues - #5 by nordic - I would like to second this as a helpful feature. In general FMOD support for WAV CUEs (especially inserting them into the timeline, as well as being able to trigger callbacks on them) would be extremely useful for our vehicle engine audio.


That’s good to know! I’ll add you to the list of people interested in this feature.

Definitely would use this feature a lot.

Great! I’ll add you to the list of people interested in it.

hey Joseph, I have some old code (it’s a bit sloppy but works!) that could help with this. LMK if you want me to send it to you.

Thanks for the offer, but if we implement this feature, we’ll almost certainly build it into FMOD Studio’s source code rather than constructing it as an FMOD Studio script. This approach will facilitate greater optimization, efficiency, and performance than would otherwise be possible, and will also allow us to better integrate the new feature into FMOD Studio’s existing UI.

We’ll also avoid sloppy code, for reasons that should be obvious. :slight_smile:

Ok, Ok, it’s not THAT BAD :). But I totally understand. We really are looking forward to this feature! Thanks, Joseph!