Integrating FMOD Studio into AGDE

Hey guys,
We’re moving to AGDE (Visual Studio용 Android 게임 개발 확장 프로그램  |  Android game development  |  Android Developers) for our native Android development.

Whenever I have to manually ‘hack’ in a shared library or jar file future updates seem to crush my projects. I’d like to avoid that situation here.

Could you give me a walkthrough of how I should integrate FMOD using this?

Thank you!


It’s mostly straightforward to add FMOD to a native AGDE Android application. You add the FMOD includes and libs in the same way as you would with any other vcxproj, the only real difference is that you need to add an implementation dependency on fmod.jar if you want to make any calls into FMOD from an activity, or load assets from the asset manager. Here are the steps I took to get FMOD working in one of the AGDE samples:

  1. In the property pages, navigate to Configuration Properties → C/C++ → General and add the api/core/inc and api/studio/inc directories to the Additional Include Directories list.
  2. In the property pages, navigate to Configuration Properties → Linker → Input and add the api/core/lib/$(Platform)/ and api/studio/lib/$(Platform)/ libs to your Additional Dependencies list.
  3. In your application’s app/build.gradle file, add api/core/lib/fmod.jar to your list of implementations:
    dependencies {
        implementation files('/api/core/lib/fmod.jar')
  4. Also in your application’s file, add a resource directory to load your banks from:
    android {
        sourceSets {
         main {
             assets.srcDirs = ['res', '/api/examples/media']

Hopefully that’s enough information to get you started. Please let me know if you run into any issues getting setup.

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Thank you, Jeff! I really appreciate it!