we have just created a Linux dedicated server build for our game, but it immediately crashes because of FMOD:
We are using UE4.26.2 and FMOD 2.02.03. The windows plugin is overwritten with the Linux patch, the plugins.txt files are also prepared. After doing Linux build, the .so files are copied from plugin Binaries to Game Binaries, similarly to our other game (that game is using UE4.24.3 and FMOD 2.01.07 and works fine).
1st we tested the plugin placed in the Game folder, but currently it is moved to our source built engine Engine/Plugins as written in the docs, but the results are the same:
Everything works fine (windows standalone, oculus/android, windows dedicated server), Linux server build is also compiled, but when starting the Linux server build we get the following strange error, and the server is crashing immediately, without providing any log file:
./ZC2Server: error while loading shared libraries: ../../../core_api/platforms/linux/_builds/ReleaseWithLogging/Dynamic/x86_64/libfmodL.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
It might be a linking error, that “platforms” path should not be required in our case.
In case of windows and android we use OculusSpatializerFMOD, it is not set up for Linux (Oculus usually doesn’t support Linux), no idea whether it can be a problem or not…