Listening to markers from events placed in a parent event's timeline

Hey mathew,
Thanks for the insight !

After some reasearch I found that I needed to transform all events instance within an event into “nested” through right click menus) Nested Event Question

I managed to toggle all instance of events within my main event timeline into real nested event.
But I still don’t receive any marker from the nested ones.

I also don’t see my nested events within unity’s fmod event window ( someone already asked for that while ago Accessing nested events in unity )

I couldn’t find anything regarding "FMOD_STUDIO_EVENT_CALLBACK_TIMELINE_MARKER "

I’m using code from the topic I linked in my original question :

        var parameter = (FMOD.Studio.TIMELINE_MARKER_PROPERTIES)Marshal.PtrToStructure(parameterPtr, typeof(FMOD.Studio.TIMELINE_MARKER_PROPERTIES));

I don’t have any issue other than that (logs/errors …)