Making separate mixes for TV, Headphones, Home Theater, etc..

Hi guys,

I had asked this a while ago, but still haven’t honed in on exactly what it is that I need to do to make this functional. I’m also curious if anyone has some suggestions for best practices when optimizing the mix for different speakers.

Example: TV - I would assume you’d want to reduce the SUB so you’re not getting unnecessary noise from speakers that won’t support below 50hz…
Home Theatre: Wider panning techniques, boosted sub, full-range
and so on…

I assume it’s best to just play the game in each setting and tweak your mix until it sounds the best and then save that with a snapshot.
So in game, I’d want to user to select their optimal mix in the Options UI, then I can tell FMOD to load up a snapshot based on that. Would that be the best way to pull this off?
Does a snapshot have the ability to remain global and in save data?

I’m currently working on a project in UE4 using FMOD as my middle-ware.
The intent is to have a user select a mix setting and allow it to save that way. In snapshots, can I have the game load up and retain a parameter that tells FMOD to stay on that snapshot? Or is there another way to do it?

I’m afraid I don’t understand what you’re asking. What do you mean by “Does a snapshot have the ability to remain global and in save data?”

Hey Joseph! Sorry for not being more specific. The intent is to have a user select a mix setting and allow it to save that way. In snapshots, can I have the game load up and retain a parameter that tells FMOD to stay on that snapshot? Or is there another way to do it?

Snapshots are very similar to events, under the hood: As long as an instance of a snapshot is playing, it will continue to affect your mix.

If you want a particular snapshot to be active at all times, all you need to do is create an instance of that snapshot when your game starts, and leave it active as your game runs.


Hi JB,

I was looking into setting up a similar situation to this in an Fmod project - is there any way I could contact you or you could outline here the solution you came up with? I was interested in looking into setting this up, but I’m not familiar as I haven’t approached it before.

Thank you.

Hi Jesse, I didn’t end up using it due to not having enough time and code supportto implement it. But I did something similar -

Basically, you can just have UE4 load between different mixes in your options menu, Set up the blueprint in a way that activates each snapshot depending on what toggle is selected in the UI. It can pretty much all be done in blueprints.

Hi Jesse, I didn’t end up using it due to not having enough time and code supportto implement it. But I did something similar -

Basically, you can just have UE4 load between different mixes in your options menu, Set up the blueprint in a way that activates each snapshot depending on what toggle is selected in the UI. It can pretty much all be done in blueprints.

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Thank you JB! With your help I pretty well figured out a solution that works but that’s perfect, thank you for the prompt response.

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