I think I’ve found an issue with MetaXR’s Audio Source plug-in. If the plug-in is added to an event master and ‘Enable Acoustics’ is active, the event will still be heard even if a session mixer snapshot is active and the event’s group fader is completely down. This is really problematic if there’s no way around it - necessitating either the removal of enabled acoustics or snapshots. None of my attempted solutions to this problem have worked so far.
I’ve found a fix that’s working for now:
On the event master with the meta plug-in (enable acustics active) create a global parameter (continuous 0 - 1).
Automate the volume on the parameter tab from full volume at 0 to silent at 1 (seek speed optional)
On the event triggering the snapshot, place a command instrument at the start of the snapshot instrument - set to ‘set parameter’, target set to the global parameter, set the value to 1. After the snapshot add another command instrument but this time set the value to 0 to reset and trigger playback.
This mutes the Meta XR audio that normally bypasses the snapshot and then turns it back on when the snapshot is no longer active. It’s not ideal however to have to do this when the Meta source plug-in should be designed with snapshots in mind.
MetaXR’s Audio Source plug-in is part of the Meta XR Audio SDK, which is made and maintained by Unity. I recommend that you report this issue to its developers here. We here at Firelight Technologies do not have access to its source code, and so cannot fix any issues it might have.
That being said, it sounds like the effect in question bypasses FMOD’s routing path by sending audio directly to an external-to-FMOD mixer. If that is the case, you should be able to work around the issue by adjusting the volume anywhere upstream of the effect. Your workaround presumably does this.
Thank you for your reply - I will report the issue to the Developers, thank you for the link.