Missing DSP plugin 'MetaXRAudio Spatializer

Hi there

I’m trying to implement the Meta XR audio plugin with unity, but I’m having this error: “ERR_PLUGIN_MISSING : A requested output, dsp unit type or codec was not available.” I enabled de Api logs and I got this in warnings “Missing DSP plugin ‘MetaXRAudio Spatializer’”, so I suposed is related with the MetaXRAudio_FMODSpatializerPlugin.h , but looking in the meta step by step document, there is no mention about that file, so I dont really now where to put it into the Unity or Fmod project.

Thanks for your attention and I’'l be waiting for your help


What version of the FMOD integration are you using?

Please ensure that the plugin has been added to the FMOD settings:


More information can be found here: Unity Integration | Plugins