I seem to be having trouble loading the MetaXRAudioFMOD plugin for Quest. It’s working on Windows just fine. I am following this guide:
But when I build my game, the plugin is not loading.
I have added libMetaXRAudioFMOD to my Dynamic Plugins under FMODStudioSettings, set the libMetaXRAudioFMOD.so file to only include Android, CPU = ARM64, Shared Library Type = Executable, and Load on Startup = true.
I was able to fix this on my own, and the problem was when I entered the file name in Platform Specific > Android > Dynamic Plugins I had entered it as ‘libMetaXRAudioFMOD’ as that is what the file name is called.
By changing the entered string to ‘MetaXRAudioFMOD’ without ‘lib’ in the front it was able to load on Quest.