Is there a way to expand how many inserts (or even sends) a mixer track will display?
Recently had a project where there were more inserts on a track than the mixer would show.
In order to diagnose an issue these where all bypassed. However, the ones not visible in the rack got left on.
The only way to find these ‘extra’ inserts was to expand out the mixer window and use the left/right scroll bar to find the ones at the end of the chain and bypass them.
If you mean you want to increase the maximum number of effects and sends that can be displayed on mixer strips, the answer is “no, there is no way to do that.” The maximum number of effects that can be displayed on a mixer strip is fixed at eight, and the maximum number of sends that can be displayed is fixed at four.
These numbers are arbitrary, and could be increased - but even if we increase them, it will not solve the issue you have encountered. The amount of vertical space available on a mixer strip is ultimately limited by the size of the mixer window and the resolution of your monitor, so there’ll always be some upper limit on how many sends or effects that will fit onto a mixer strip. As such, it will always be possible for you to add more effects and sends than that number, making it necessary for you to select the mixer strip and scroll the deck if you want to see them all.
That being said, I can see how it would be useful for mixer strips to feature some indication that their corresponding buses contain more sends and effects than the mixer strip is able to display. I’ll add a suggestion that we do this to our feature and improvement tracker,
Until we add that feature, we recommend that you treat the list of effects and sends displayed on a mixer strip as non-exhaustive but indicative, and that you select buses whose mixer strips contain eight effects or four sends to see if their signal chains contain more.
Yeah some kind of indicator showing there are non visible insert/sends could be useful.