Hello again Jeff!
I know I’ve marked the issue solved but it seems I still have serious complications in both understanding the problem and fixing it. I really would like to receive some help because this is something beyond my skill at the moment.
Firstly, I’ve been provided with the video by the players that have audio issues. Please take a look at it:
The problem is mostly audible with the shooting sounds. At first, they are okay but after a series of shootings, they get clipped. There are no max instances limitations and voice stealing parameters for a shooting event In FMOD Studio, so the bug is clearly something related to the voice limit.
So, I joined the project a bit late when its architecture had been already designed and I had to follow it when integrating the audio. That led to audio scripts being scattered all over the place, so the music, zombies, player, voice-overs, and weapon sounds are called from very different spots. All of them are playing through RuntimeManager in the usual ways like CreateInstance, instance.start, instance.release or PlayOneShot.
At the moment I’ve tried different things.
I’ve set the priority for shooting sounds in Studio to the highest. I’ve lowered the priority for other sounds in hope that they should get clipped instead of shootings. In FMOD Unity settings I’ve set the highest possible virtual and real channel count limitations.

This can help to some extent, but the problem is always getting back.
So in a desperate call for help, I’d like to know if is there a way to globally set higher values for the RuntimeManager system object than the ones I have in Settings?
I understand I should have probably created a different system object and initialized it with high channel limit values and run all audio through it. But at the moment redoing that for all the audio in the game seems impossible, so if there’s an easier way to fix it, that would save me.
As said, I’m new to Studio API programming, so there’s a chance I miss something very obvious and easily doable. At least, I hope for it 
Jeff or anyone willing to help, I’d be very grateful.