No sound when opening the game in google chrome

Hi , i need some help i c’ant hear any sound when i open the game in google chrome ,
everything works correctly in the unity editor .
Any help please ?

Unfortunately, we’re unable to diagnose the cause of this issue with the information you’ve given us. Could you tell us more about your specific implementation?

Does your game’s audio work in browsers other than Chrome and Safari? If so, I suspect your game is not fulfilling those browsers’ interaction requirements.

Yes i have the same problem in safari how can i do the touch event or a mouse click event ?
we have in the game a first screen with username and password fields .
How and where can i attach this script ?

// Set up iOS/Chrome workaround. Webaudio is not allowed to start unless screen is touched or button is clicked.
function resumeAudio()
if (!gAudioResumed)
console.log(“Resetting audio driver based on user input.”);

    result = gSystem.mixerSuspend();
    result = gSystem.mixerResume();

    gAudioResumed = true;


var iOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream;
if (iOS)
window.addEventListener(‘touchend’, resumeAudio, false);
document.addEventListener(‘click’, resumeAudio);

I’m not sure I understand the nature of the problem you’re facing. What is the code you are using to handle your users’ interaction with the username and password fields, and why can you not insert the mixer suspend/resume code into it?