【openharmony platform】app muted after system alarm

we found that when migrating our project to the Huawei HarmonyOS platform, we encountered an issue: after the system alarm or incoming call ringtone ends, the application itself is completely muted. I observed that FMOD threw the following two log messages, and I want to confirm whether the application being muted is a result of FMOD’s internal handling of system callbacks, or if the system itself is muting the application. If it’s the former, then I can only wait for FMOD to release a new version to fix this issue. If it’s the latter, then perhaps we can attempt to address the problem using native code on the HarmonyOS platform.

OHAudio_Renderer_OnInterruptEvent : Interruption event has occurred, type: 0, hint: 2.
OHAudio_Renderer_OnInterruptEvent : Interruption event has occurred, type: 1, hint: 1.

many thanks


This is a known issue and there is a task to address it. Unfortunately, we don’t have a workaround at the moment.

It is a result of FMOD’s internal handling of system callbacks.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, I will let you know once there’s a workaround or update regarding the issue.

I see, thanks for the response

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We have just released a new update that resolves the issue of sounds being interrupted by alarms. Please update your FMOD version to the latest to see if the issue persists.

For more information, you can also refer to this post: