Hi all,
I have a sound with a parameter called ‘3D’, that controls the Mix knob of the Pan Override on the Spatializer plugin. When the parmeter is false/0, the mix is 100%, and when the parameter is true/1, the mix is 0%. This is my way of making an event play in 3D or not (which is a requirement).
This works like a charm in FMOD studio, but when I go to Unreal, setting this parameter doesn’t seem to do anything. I know for sure because I set the spatialization of the pan override to hard right and it still played center. When I set the overall panning (in the bottom right) to far right, it plays far right, so I know in principle the stereo-ness works, it just seems like automating the mix knob is failing.
This is the code I’m using to set the parameter:
AC->SetParameter(FName(“3D”), 0.f);
The parameter “3D” is a named parameter with two values, true/1 and false/0.
The listener has no override, although in principle that shouldn’t matter if the pan is being overriden… right? Am I missing something (or is there a simpler way to set the 3D-ness of an audio component’s event)?