Hey Everyone! I’m switching from unity’s main System to Fmods new Audio system for the 1st time! And I’m trying to implement audio for my player.
My player has 1 audio source in which I intend to play different weapon sounds (pistol, rifle, shotgun etc) based on which weapon the player is holding. Though when I play 1 rifle sound and then try to switch that sound event to for instance pistol, it won’t work and still plays the rifle.
How can I tell Unity which audio to play and how to do make 1 Studio Event Emitter play different audio types such as rifle, shotgun etc depending on which gun the player is holding?
Is there a possible guide I can check out on how that would work? I only see things where you fade audio with the parameter but not sure how to combine that for like 10 weapons or more? Can I swap easily with that system?
EDIT: It also needs to be able to be a different value for different objects, so if Player 1 uses a rifle and Player 2 uses a pistol, both audio should be according to the weapon.
Open the Exemples project, then open Character/Player Footsteps event. Play the event while changing the “Surface” parameter value. I guess you need something equivalent to that, with “Weapon” instead, isn’t it? Instead of a timeline sheet, this event uses a parameter sheet (that you can create with the “+” tab).
So that each instance have a different parameter value, the parameter should be set to “Local” (but it’s the default setting).