Playing From Sound Data Only?

I have some sound data and want to create it from memory, whenever i try to though i just get “audio or format not supported”.

exinfo.cbsize = sizeof(FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO);
exinfo.length = size;
exinfo.numchannels = 1;
exinfo.defaultfrequency = 44100;
exinfo.suggestedsoundtype = FMOD_SOUND_TYPE_UNKNOWN;

result = system->createSound(buffer, FMOD_OPENMEMORY | FMOD_OPENUSER | FMOD_LOOP_OFF, &exinfo, &sound1);

It doesnt give an error when using a PCM format though, is that the only format that is allowed to be created from raw data ?

FMOD_OPENUSER means you are specifying callbacks to read data, which you haven’t supplied.

If you want to open the data as if it were raw data, FMOD only supports PCM with FMOD_OPENRAW, which is what you’re supposed to use.

The log file says IMA ADPCM is supported along with PCM but it is not in FMOD5, and we’ve updated the log not to display adpcm in the message any more.