PS4 SDK 9.00 Compatibility


The lib files available for download are build against v8.5 of the PS4 SDKs, consequently I can’t seem to build a release package with them (the package generator app gives me an error) even though they work absolutely fine.

Is there a version built against 9.0 available and, if not is there a workaround apart from me having to downgrade everything to SDK 8.5 and rebuild with all the pain that will entail?


What FMOD version are you on? Are you using Unity or Unreal?


This is when I go to my downloads page and select the latest version 2.02.03. The PS4 build targets SDK 8.5.

I’m using MonoGame, so neither Unity or Unreal. It’s just built as a c++ project in Visual Studio with no fancy engine. This mismatch error comes when I use the Sony packaging tool to create a submission package as it won’t mix and match libs that target different SDKs (though they work fine).

I ended up downgrading to SDK8.5 in the end which was time consuming but relatively painless. It would be good if there was a version of the FMOD libs available that targeted SDK 9.0.

best regards

I’ve put a build of 2.02.03 against PS4 SDK 9.000 on our main Download page.

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Fantastic, thank you!

Hi Andrew I’m looking for that version on main downloads website but I couldn’t find, where can i download it for fmod 2.02.04/03 and ue4 4.27.1.

I’ve just put up a version of 2.02.04 for UE4.27 against SDK 9.000 on our main download page.