I’m using the git hub version of the FMOD UE4 integration in 4.16 with the binaries from the latest download available in the downloads page.
There are some errors when creating the image (after all the project stuff is done) when building the project for PS4:
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (libfmod.prx, SDK version must be 04.50x)
[Debug] libfmodstudio.prx: PS4 SELF file, SDK version = 04.008.
[Error] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (libfmodstudio.prx, SDK version must be 04.50x)
[Debug] Checking consistency.
[Debug] SDK version = 04.508.
[Debug] Required System Software version = 04.508.
Is there any way I can overcome this problem?
Thank you,
Dan Zaidan