Hi, is it possible (or planned) to apply an automation to the random volume knob on a scatterer instrument? I want to change the way it reproduces the volume randomness of the scatterer during the playback with a parameter.
Hi, is it possible (or planned) to apply an automation to the random volume knob on a scatterer instrument? I want to change the way it reproduces the volume randomness of the scatterer during the playback with a parameter.
Hello Matias,
We don’t have any plans in the near future to expose the random volume dial for automation. Could you please provide some more information on what you are trying to accomplish by doing this? There may be a feature already available to use.
Hi Richard,
I want to change the volume “randomness” of the scatterer interactively using a param, for instance, when a car is driving on a road, I want to make some “cuts” on the wheel friction audio, so depending on the number of bumps on the terrain, the variation of volume will change with more or less intensity.
Hope it answers your question, and let’s see how can do this.
Thank you for the use case Matias. I’ve added it to our tracker.
In the meantime, I would suggest having multiple scatterer instruments with different random volume property values along a parameter.
OK Richard, I think it could bring awesome ideas to the games, both random volume and pitch automation.
Thanks for your answer
Hello everyone!
I am trying to understand if there is any opporunity to make an interval for volume randomization in Scatterer Instrument? As I want to do a small interval somewhere in the middle, but now I only have an opportunity to make an interval from -80 dB.
Thank you in advance!
I’m afraid i’m having trouble understanding your question. The term “interval” usually mans a period of time, but you mention it in the context of scatterer instrument volume randomization, and the scatterer selects a random volume for each sound that’s spawned.
Are you asking if it’s possible to duck the volume of a playing sound for a specific period of its duration? Are you asking if it’s possible to randomize the volume of a spawned sound within a specific range that runs from one arbitrary level of volume adjustment to another? Or are you asking something else?
Hello Joseph! Thank you for your answer!
For example, I need to randomize the volume only between -10dB and 10dB. I mean I need to regulate the min and max pointers of volume in scatterer instrument. Sorry for my incorrect English in some ways as I don’t often use technical terms in speech.
Ah, I see! Thank you for the clarification.
The thing you want to do is entirely possible. To do it, first set the scatterer instrument’s “Volume” property to the highest possible volume you want it to achieve (in your example, +10 dB), then set the “Vol Rnd” property to the size to the range of possible volumes you want it to have (in your example, -20 dB). This will ensure that whenever the scatterer spawns a sound, that sound’s volume will be set to a random volume between the Volume property and the Volume property minus the Vol Rnd property (-10 dB to +10 dB).