Realizing User Property Types

When I enter single-digit numeric user properties, they appear as .type=FMOD_STUDIO_USER_PROPERTY_TYPE_FLOAT in the runtime. Alphanumerics appear as expected: .type=FMOD_STUDIO_USER_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING. This includes strings like “true”.

Nothing obvious in the GUI nor the user manual indicates how other runtime-defined types might be used.

Is there a trick to force FMOD Studio to interpret user properties such that FMOD_STUDIO_USER_PROPERTY_TYPE_INTEGER and FMOD_STUDIO_USER_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOLEAN can be stored and used at runtime?

Clarification: by ‘stored’ I mean stored/used at build-time when banks are emitted.

At the time of writing (November 2016) there is no way to specify user property types other than FLOAT and STRING in the FMOD Studio GUI.

If your game project requires other types, and you want to specify user properties in the GUI tool, you’ll have to recast those property values in your game’s code.

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