Hi, folks!
I had my project with 5 wav files in Unity.
With Unity’s built-in compression I ended up with 35MB export file size.
I decided to port this project to FMOD, but now my exported file size is 151MB, with the same files.
I selected VORBIS, 24%, 48k, but it looks like it makes no effect at the final build size in Unity.
What am I missing here?
It depends on how you have structured your projects. Could you please provide the following information:
- Where is your FMOD Studio project located in relation to the Unity project?
- How many events and banks does your project have?
- How are you loading the banks in Unity?
Hi, Richard. Thanks for your reply.
My FMOD Studio project is located the following way (where [] is a folder):
[] ThisProject
[] My FMOD Projects
My project has only one Event and one Master Bank.
I"m loading the Events like this:
playerState = FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CreateInstance(PlayerStateEvent);
And the BANKS like this:
I didn’t do anything specific for the bank in the coding. Show I? What am I missing here? 
Thanks again!!
Thanks for the clarification. This is very interesting - nothing seems out of the ordinary and you have everything set up as expected.
Are you able to share these WAV files with us to investigate further?
You can upload directly to our website (go to your account and click the Uploads tab), if you have a project registered with us.
Otherwise, you can use a file hosting website such as Google Drive or Dropbox and share the link to these files with me through a direct message.