Relationship between event instance and description

Good Day,

This may sound like a strange question but I’m interested in the relationship between an event description and any instances it creates.

I understand that you create a description and then an instance, but does one single description create an infinte amount of instances, or to max instances as defined by the sound designer in fmod studio or is it tied to a single instance, but then that would mean that more than one description for the same event could be created and that doesn’t seem right.


Hello :wave:, it seems that one event only have one event description, judging from FMODUnity script. The guid of an event is mapped to its event description, and the description is cached and used to create instances.



Yes, you can use the same description to make as many instances as you like.

This limit will only stop and instance from playing, or stop and playing instance to allow the new one to start. But it does not apply the limit to the event description. More information about these behaviours can be found here: FMOD Studio | Advanced Topics - Stealing.

Hope this helps

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Conner / glr

Thanks very much for your replies.


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