Resonance Audio Source doesn't work

Dear experienced developers,

I've spent many months with trying Resonance Audio and it almost drove me crazy. Please help me, 

I need to finally solve this problem and use Resonance Audio in a school project.

Problem description

When I try to change 3d attributes of Resonance Audio Source DSP, the sound doesn’t seem to be afected at all. It seems that just

Used technologies

  • CSharp
  • Official FMOD wrapper
  • FMOD version 1.10.16
  • Resonance Audio plugin


using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using FMOD;

namespace FmodResonanceTest
internal class Program
private static FMOD.System _fmod;
private static Channel _channel;
private static DSP _listenerDSP;
private static uint _listenerHandle;
private static ChannelGroup _masterGroup;
private static uint _raHandle;
private static Sound _sound;
private static DSP _soundFieldDSP;
private static uint _soundFieldHandle;
private static DSP _sourceDSP;
private static uint _sourceHandle;
private static ChannelGroup _worldGroup;

    private static byte[] GetBytes(IntPtr ptr, int length)
        if (ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
            byte[] byteArray = new byte[length];
            Marshal.Copy(ptr, byteArray, 0, length);
            return byteArray;

        // Return an empty array if the pointer is null.
        return new byte[1];

    private static void Check(RESULT r, string activity)
        if (r != RESULT.OK)
            throw new InvalidOperationException(activity);

    private static void Say(string s, bool wait = true)
        if (wait)

    private static void Set3dParameters(DSP sourceDSP, DSP_PARAMETER_3DATTRIBUTES param3d)
        int propertiesSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DSP_PARAMETER_3DATTRIBUTES));
        IntPtr propertiesPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(propertiesSize);
        Marshal.StructureToPtr(param3d, propertiesPtr, false);
      Check(sourceDSP.setParameterData(8, GetBytes(propertiesPtr,
                                                                       propertiesSize)), "Sending 3d properties to source DSP");

    private static void TestSet3dParameters()
        _sourceDSP.setParameterFloat(0, 24f);

            relative = new _3D_ATTRIBUTES()
                position = new VECTOR()
                    x = 0f,
                    y = 0f,
                    z = 0f

                velocity = new VECTOR()
                    x = 0f,
                    y = 0f,
                    z = 0f

                forward = new VECTOR()
                    x = 0f,
                    y = 0f,
                    z = 0f

                up = new VECTOR()
                    x = 0f,
                    y = 0f,
                    z = 0f

            absolute = new _3D_ATTRIBUTES()
                position = new VECTOR()
                    x = -5f,
                    y = -5f,
                    z = 0f

                velocity = new VECTOR()
                    x = 0f,
                    y = 0f,
                    z = 0f

                forward = new VECTOR()
                    x = 0f,
                    y = 0f,
                    z = 0f

                up = new VECTOR()
                    x = 0f,
                    y = 0f,
                    z = 0f

        Set3dParameters(_sourceDSP, param3d);

    private static void TestSetRoomProperties()
        // set the room properties
        RoomProperties roomProperties = new RoomProperties()
            // listener position
            positionX = 0f,
            positionY = 0f,
            positionZ = 0f,

            // room dimensions
            dimensionsX = 4f,
            dimensionsY = 5f,
            dimensionsZ = 4f,

            // listener orientation
            rotationX = 0f,
            rotationY = 0f,
            rotationZ = 0f,
            rotationW = 0f,

            // surface materials of all sides of the room
            materialLeft = SurfaceMaterial.ConcreteBlockPainted,
            materialRight = SurfaceMaterial.ConcreteBlockPainted,
            materialBottom = SurfaceMaterial.LinoleumOnConcrete,
            materialTop = SurfaceMaterial.ConcreteBlockPainted,
            materialFront = SurfaceMaterial.WoodPanel,
            materialBack = SurfaceMaterial.GlassThin,

            // reverb parameters
            reflectivity = 0f,
            reverbGainDb = 1f,
            reverbBrightness = -1f,
            reverbTime = .1f

        UpdateAudioRoom(_listenerDSP, roomProperties);

    private static void UpdateAudioRoom(FMOD.DSP listenerPlugin, RoomProperties roomProperties)
        int roomPropertiesSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(RoomProperties));
        IntPtr roomPropertiesPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(roomPropertiesSize);
        Marshal.StructureToPtr(roomProperties, roomPropertiesPtr, false);
        listenerPlugin.setParameterData(1, GetBytes(roomPropertiesPtr,

    private static void Wait()
        Console.WriteLine("Press a key");

    private static void Main(string[] args)
        // initialization
        Factory.System_Create(out _fmod);
        Check(_fmod.init(32, INITFLAGS.NORMAL, IntPtr.Zero), "FMOD initialization");

        Check(_fmod.loadPlugin("resonanceaudio.dll", out _raHandle), "Loading Resonance Audio plugin");
        Check(_fmod.getNestedPlugin(_raHandle, 0, out _listenerHandle), "Getting handle of Listener nested plugin");
        Check(_fmod.getNestedPlugin(_raHandle, 1, out _soundFieldHandle), "Getting handle of Near Field nested plugin");
        Check(_fmod.getNestedPlugin(_raHandle, 2, out _sourceHandle), "Getting handle of Source nested plugin");

        Check(_fmod.createDSPByPlugin(_listenerHandle, out _listenerDSP), "Listener DSP creation");
        Check(_fmod.createDSPByPlugin(_soundFieldHandle, out _soundFieldDSP), "Near  Field DSP creation");
        Check(_fmod.createDSPByPlugin(_sourceHandle, out _sourceDSP), "Source DSP creation");

       Check(_fmod.createChannelGroup("world", out _worldGroup), "Creating channel group");
        _fmod.getMasterChannelGroup(out _masterGroup);
      Check(_masterGroup.addGroup(_worldGroup, true, out DSPConnection dc), "Adding new channel group to master group");

        Check(_worldGroup.addDSP(CHANNELCONTROL_DSP_INDEX.TAIL, _listenerDSP), "Applying Listener DSP on channel group");

        Check(_fmod.createSound("sound.wav", MODE.DEFAULT, out _sound), "Loading sound");
        Check(_fmod.playSound(_sound, _worldGroup, true, out _channel), "Sound playback");

        Check(_channel.addDSP(FMOD.CHANNELCONTROL_DSP_INDEX.TAIL, _soundFieldDSP), "Applying Near Field DSP on channel");
        Check(_channel.addDSP(FMOD.CHANNELCONTROL_DSP_INDEX.TAIL, _sourceDSP), "Applying Source DSP on channel");


        // start playback




Nothing stands out in the code provided. Are you using the fmod logging libs? They can provide more logging information for debugging.

Can you confirm that propertiesPtr is valid and that GetBytes is returning a valid byte array?