Running into FMOD crashes since updating

Since updating FMOD to 2.02.13 (and this continues even to 2.02.17) from 2.02.04 we have been getting random FMOD crashes with the blocking dialog box.

The logs have no interesting details in them, and sometimes they are just basic like this:

  2023-11-08 19:39:11 Operating System: Windows Server 2016 (10.0); x86_64
  2023-11-08 19:39:11 Client ID: {3b722d10-0b9e-472d-854c-6400337d711b}
- 2023-11-08 19:39:11 [Command Line]
- 2023-11-08 19:39:11 [Command Line]Usage: fmodstudio [-build] [-shared-audio-source-dir <path>] 
       [-banks <banknames>] [-platforms <platformnames>] [-export-guids]
       [-script <scriptfile>] [-ignore-warnings] <project.fspro>

-build ................................ Build mode for command line tool.
-shared-audio-source-dir <path> ....... Overrides the assets folder path.
-banks <banknames> .................... Comma-separated list of banks to
                                        build. (Optional)
-platforms <platformnames>............. Comma-separated list of platforms
                                        to build. (Optional)
-export-guids ......................... Exports event guids and mixer guids
                                        to text files.	(Optional)
-script <scriptfile> .................. Javascript file to run on the
                                        project. (Optional)
-diagnostic ........................... Runs validation check on the project
                                        for potential corruptions and
                                        errors. (Optional)
-ignore-warnings ...................... Continue building if warnings are
                                        detected. (Optional)
-help ................................. See usage information for command
                                        line tool.

fmodstudio -build foobar.fspro
fmodstudio -build -banks "Master Bank, SFX, Music" foobar.fspro
fmodstudio -build -banks "Master Bank" -platforms "Desktop" foobar.fspro
fmodstudio -build -platforms "Desktop, XboxOne, PS4" foobar.fspro
fmodstudio -build -banks "Master Bank,Dialog" -ignore-warnings foobar.fspro
fmodstudio -build -banks "Master Bank,Dialog" -export-guids foobar.fspro
fmodstudio -build -shared-audio-source-dir "C:/audio assets" foobar.fspro
fmodstudio -script foo.js foobar.fspro
fmodstudio -diagnostic foobar.fspro

- 2023-11-08 19:39:11 Closing Logging: C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/FMOD Studio/Logs/2023-11-08-19-39-11_log.txt

This has been very disruptive to our workflow and CI/CB and don’t really have any information to even try and fix these.

Also have submitted from the dialog box many times with no response or fix in subsequent upgrade.

Hi Max, sorry that you’ve been hit by this. I can see in our crash report system that you’ve been having a pretty bad time recently. I dug straight into the issue and I have a fix in for review. Once it passes review/QA I can make a build available for you to test.

Thank you Andrew.

We are currently on Unity 2022.3.10f1 and FMOD 2.02.17 and very close to release so would prefer not having to get a whole lot of updates. Would it be possible to patch 2.02.17?

Yep, no problem.

Thank you Andrew.

Would you have a rough estimate when this will land so we can tentatively put it into schedule accordingly?

Aiming for this week.

Thank you, that would be most excellent

Hi Max, I’ve made a build of FMOD Studio 2.02.17 with just this one fix applied. Look for it in the Uploads section of your Profile page. Let me know if you have any more problems.

Thank you Andrew,

Will Update today and post back if we run into the issue again. :crossed_fingers: its all good now.

Also would this land in the next release?

Yep, the fix is in 2.02.20 as well.