SEEK SPEED with a BUILT IN parameter seems not to work

Hi everyone,
I’m working on a game and I need to smoothen the direction built in parameter. I tried to increase the seek speed of the parameter, seeing the orange circle following the new value, but it seems not to work making change the direction instantly.

I made a 3D Event, Is that the problem? I would like to avoid making a 2D event and linking the parameter to a panner, thus also losing the attenuation.

Any idea? Thank you for the answers.

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That’s strange. When I test here, seek speed appears to affect built-in parameters normally. My test setup must differ from yours in some way.

Could you describe in detail what seek speed settings you’re using for the direction built-in parameter?

No, that can’t possibly be the problem.

It sounds like you might have misunderstood the nature of 3D events. An event is 3D if its behavior depends on its position relative to the listener. An event’s behavior depends on its position relative to the listener if it contains any of the following: A spatializing effect (such as the FMOD spatializer or FMOD object spatializer), a built-in parameter (such as direction), or an instrument whose behavior is affected by the event’s 3D attributes (such as an event instrument whose associated event is 3D, or a scatterer instrument whose playlist contains single instruments and whose max distance is greater than 0). Conversely, an event that contains none of those things will behave the same way no matter where it is relative to the listener, and so is 2D.

There is therefore no such thing as 2D event with a built-in parameter, because the act of adding the built-in parameter to the event makes it 3D.

I’ve also tested adding a seek speed on a distance built-in parameter, and moving the event in the 3D preview panel instantly changes the parameter, indeed (the seek speed doesn’t apply). Bug?

I need to soften the directionality of the sounds during a cut scene by trying not to instantly shift a sound from right to left during a change of shot (the listener is on the camera) but to make some sort of transition happen (even just 50ms).

Could it be because the seek speed on the direction (as in this case) only works when it acts on an automated parameter with a direction dependent curve and not on itself?

Basically I’m trying to assign seek speed to the change of direction itself, now that I think about it I don’t know if that’s possible :sweat_smile:.

Thank you for the answers.

For me, moving the event in the 3D preview moves the parameter’s cursor instantly, and the playback position gradually moves to the cursor’s position, as expected.

Which version of FMOD Studio are you using? Is the event auditioning when you adjust the 3D preview?

I’m not sure what you mean. Seek speed works on any parameter other than the timeline, built-in or otherwise.

It is possible. The direction parameter’s value is derived from the 3D attributes of the event, which are calculated from the event emitter’s position relative to the listener. Aside from having its value regularly set by the event’s 3D attributes, it should behave the same way as any other parameter - including that its current value can differ from its set value if it is subject to seek speed, parameter velocity, or modulation.

Could you send us a screenshot of the parameter’s deck panel? The issue may depend on the specific combination of seek speed settings that you’re using, so knowing what those setitngs are would help us diagnose the problem.

Also, which version of FMOD Studio are you using? It’s possible that the behavior you’re seeing is a bug that’s only present in some versions.

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My mistake, it works as intended. I had tested on an empty event without switching it to play. When stopped, the change is instant.

That’s good to know.

For context, parameter values changing instantly while events are stopped makes it possible to set an event instance’s parameters to specific values in the fraction of a moment after the event instance is created but before it is started, a common requirement of events that can have multiple different starting states. It also provides a way to instantaneously change the values of local parameters that would otherwise be subject to seek speed, in events that can be momentarily stopped without noticeably affecting their behavior.

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That makes sense for sure.