For various reasons, iām investigating this: Is it possible to send parameters from fmod to unreal? Like distance and whatever else I like?
I know that these things are generated in fmod from the beginning and sent to fmod. But just ignore that for now Can it be done?
It is possible to set either local and global parameters via Blueprints:
Or via code:
Hope this helps!
Sorry, typo in my heading and text (had words reversed).
I want to send parameters FROM fmod to unreal. Not the otherway around Thanks
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No worries!
It is possible to read parameters on events with the get
If that is the behavior you are after. If not, could I get an example of a use case that you are looking for?
I think first of all they are curious if we can read distance from fmod.
But will investigate if they need to know more.

Here I am getting the built in distance parameter from an event in UE. The value just has to be attached to an event for it to be read in UE.
Hope this helps
Great! thanks a lot
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