Specific Bank not loading through Addressables


I’m currently porting a game to Android. The game size is around 3GB. So to get past the online store size limitations, I make use of Unity’s Addressable package to pack all the scenes and assets (including sound banks) as Addressables that are downloaded through Unity’s Cloud Content Delivery. This allows me to have the app size as 80mb, and all the game content is downloaded after the first installation.

My FMOD Import Type is set to Asset Bundle, and it seems to properly populate the stub data when making the addressable build.

In the first scene which is basically just the “downloader” scene, after all content is downloaded, I load all banks using FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.LoadBank. I don’t get any errors during this loading process.

Once I jump to my main menu scene, all sounds seem to work correctly. When I jump into a level though, I get an error in one specific bank.

BankLoadException: [FMOD] Could not load bank 'file:///android_asset/FMODBanks/Creatures.bank' : ERR_FILE_NOTFOUND : File not found.

I can’t seem to understand what is different specifically with this bank. All other sounds seem to work without issues.


Thank you for the information.

Could I please grab your FMOD integration version?

For a simple test, can you confirm that the bank is in the expected location logged? Could I get a screen shot of the bank in the app?

How are you loading scenes? Are you shutting down the FMOD system between loads? We have a scripting example for loading Addressables which may have some useful information: Unity Integration | Scripting Examples - Asynchronous Loading

Hi Connor,

The FMOD integration version is 2.01.11.

Here are my FMOD Settings

Here’s the FMODBanks folder with the stub files (just scratched off some possibly-identifiable banks) and the Audio folder that contains the actual banks

I can’t seem to figure out what is different specifically with the creatures bank.
Also, to be clear, everything runs fine in editor, including the sounds from this bank. Just not in the build/after downloading the content.


Thank you for the information and the screen shots. Unfortunately, 2.01 is no longer supported.

Apologies, Could we check that the bank is being successfully downloaded onto the device file:///android_asset/FMODBanks/Creatures.bank?

We have documentation for migration FMOD integrations here:
FMOD Studio: Migration Studio Project
Unity Integration: Event Reference Updater


I was trying to avoid upgrading the integration but if that’s necessary I guess I could try that.

How exactly can I check on my Android device if the bank file was successfully downloaded? I’ve snooped through the files on the phone but can’t find where any of the addressable data is stored.

I’ve gotten to the bottom of it. The logs were actually very misleading as all the files are downloaded correctly.

The issue is how we’re loading/unloading banks with the AssetReferences, and when trying to load a bank that had previously already been loaded (like the creatures one in this case) Unity would run into an error because the AssetReference had already been loaded once. Adding the release of the assetreference to our bank manager fixed the issue.

Thank you for sharing the solution.

I will investigate if there is something we can do to improve the error logging for the issue.