The FMOD Content Directory does not exist

I can’t for the life of me get FMOD to work in UE5.

The automatic fixes and validations aren’t working either. I’m not getting anything into UE, not even the base folders, Banks, Buses, Desktop. Everything seems to be set up right. I’m working on a project for a big company, I am in desperate need of help, thank you.

I have also tried reinstalling everything, to no avail.

Update: I now have the banks in the folder. UE however, doesn’t recognize them.

Using the Validate option should link your FMOD Studio Project to your UE Project and have it build the banks into the content folder.

As for the in editor assets Unreal does not show any standard files on the disk, it only shows ‘.uassets’. We create uasset files for the banks and store them in “Content/FMOD/Banks/”, these can be used blueprints and other editor inspectors.