Transition forces Event to restart. Bug?

In the situation of having an Event Instrument on one track and some audio files an another. Let’s say one is a background percussive loop. While i need transitions all the time in the melodic stuff as it works best for reverb tails the Events will always restart in a transition. And i actually would love if the event would just carry on playing, no matter how many transition phases there are. But that doesnt seem to work. Is that a bug ? on Purpose ?

I now usually go the extra mile and make another event for the melodic stuff, and then have a parent event for both layers but that seems just so much work for something rather simple to achieve.



This is a byproduct of how transition timelines work: Under-the-hood, a transition timeline works by having multiple instances of the timeline playing simultaneously, each with its own content. This means that when the playback position exits a transition timeline, it’s technically not exiting onto the same timeline instance that it left when it entered the transition timeline.

Thus, even if an instrument is long enough that it’s present at both the source and destination of a transition timeline, the playback position triggers a new instance of that instrument when it arrives at that instrument in the destination region and untriggers the old instance when it leaves it in the source instance, instead of keeping one instrument instance triggered continually.

So, if you want an instrument to remain triggered across a transition, you must use a transition that does not have a transition timeline.