Hi there, I’ve run into this issue where the transition timeline is cutting off the transient of the destination. It must be fading it in somehow. I’ve double checked the positions of the clip start, destination and everything, also had Aaron and Connor from FMOD look it over.
FMOD Version 2.02.26
It happens regardless of where you put the destination; inside or outside the transition timeline. It plays regularly when positioning the playhead before the clip, without using a transition.
A fix was just to cut up the track and put the transient in the transition timeline.
I’m glad to hear you were able to find a solution to your problem.
It’s impossible to say why it was happening without looking at your project, but my first guess is that you may have set your transition region to an offset mode other than “none.” Transition offset modes are a way of making the exact destination of a transition vary depending on the position of the timeline playback position when it entered the transition, and so can easily result in the timeline playback position arriving at a point on the timeline other than the exact start of an asynchronous instrument, and thus in not playing its beginning.
If it’s not that, are you able to upload a version of your project containing the event in question, so that we can examine it in detail?
Thanks Joseph,
I did have them set on an offset (I didn’t notice if the issue was prevalent then) but had switched back to ‘None’ by the time the issue was there.
Here’s the attached project: Dropbox
I wasn’t able to reproduce the issue using the project you uploaded for us. That may be because I’ve misunderstood the issue. What should I do to reproduce it?
Thanks for uploading a version of your project that exhibits the issue. Unfortunately, I’m still not sure what problem I should be listening for; as far as I can tell, all triggered instruments play from their beginnings, as expected.
Again, it’s possible that I have simply misunderstood what I’m supposed to be listening for. Could you describe an example of how the issue might be reproduced?
Thanks Joseph,
It is quite subtle, but the kick drum has a fairly poppy transient being cut off at the transition. Listening to it on my computer you can hear a very short (20ms) fade that does ruin the transient of the first kick.
I can do some more testing