I am trying to test some of the improvements and features in UE 4.15 with FMOD Studio 1.09.04 and the 4.15 FMOD integration.
I have followed the instructions found here: http://www.fmod.org/documentation/#content/generated/engine_ue4/getting_started.html
When attempting to build the editor I am getting numerous FMOD errors which fail the build. There are 40 total.
Tests\Unreal_4.15.0\Engine\Plugins\FMODStudio\Source\FMODStudioOculus\Private\FMODOculusBlueprintStatics.cpp(1): error : Expected FMODOculusBlueprintStatics.h to be first header included.
Tests\Unreal_4.15.0\Engine\Plugins\FMODStudio\Source\FMODStudioOculus\Private\FMODOculusRoomParameters.cpp(1): error : Expected FMODOculusRoomParameters.h to be first header included
Launching the editor results in:
“Plugin ‘FMODStudio’ failed to load because ‘FMODStudioOculus’ could not be found…”
I extracted the plugin files to the Engine\Plugins directory.
I’m likely overlooking something simple, any ideas on a fix?