UE 5 Fmodstudio failed to load because module FMODStudio could not be found


I’ve got fmod studio 2.02.04 working fine with UE4, I wanted to start to work on a UE5 project but I can’t get it working.
With UE 4 it works

I’ve got this error message if i try to put the fmodstudio unreal integration plugin in the UE 5 engine/plugin dirrectory (the good version for my fmod studio version)

If i put the plugin in the game plugin directory i’ve got the following message :
The following module are missing or built with a different engine version :
Fmod studio
Fmod studio editor
Would you try to rebuild them

And when i say yes the following message appear:
“StackoBot” could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually"

I could not find working answer on the forum so I made a new post,

Thank you for any help you could give me,
Have a nice day everybody and thanks

same here.

Are you using UE5 Preview 1/2 or UE5 Early Access 1/2?
2.02.05 and below will work with UE5 Early Access 1/2, 2.02.06 and above will work with UE5 Preview 1/2.
Please double check your UE5 version and use 2.02.06 if you have the UE5 Preview. Let me know if 2.02.06 isn’t working and I will investigate further.

I use UE 5.0.1 (as it has been realeased it’s no longer early acess or preview from what I see in my Epic luncher) , fmod 2.02.06 and of caurse the 2.02.06 integration plugin

Thank you for helping

UE5 is not in early access anymore since April 5th.
I use UE 5.0.1

Any up ? Did you find a way to get it working klownk ?

Thank you for flagging, we do not currently have support for UE5.0.1. I have created a task for our dev team to add support for it in a future release.
In the meantime, I have verified that FMOD 2.02.06 is compatible with UE5.0.1 after recompiling the plugin, so please follow the steps in the UE User Guide to continue using UE5.0.1.