First, we upgrade FMOD, I delete our old plugin from the source control depot. Next, I upload the new plugin(essentially just downloaded from FMOD and unzipped its content) into our projects plugin folder [we use project plugin folder rather than engines]. After pushing to source control user builds the plugin on their end.)
On the user’s end, assuming they have downloaded the latest project version they should have an unbuilt FMOD plugin. To make sure there are no issues we make the projects plugins folder writable. Then to build plugin we launch our .sln file(our project is partially C++) and click Rebuild.
Once build finishes we launch the project via Unreal(rather than through Visual Studio)
Once launched, to cause the issue all I need to do is try and push, upon trying to push I am shown a list of files going to be submitted, among them are all my FMOD events marked as yellow question marks. Should any actually get pushed they will be locked until someone checks them out from source control. If user doesn’t have any FMOD file checked out while launching the engine, the engine will crash. If files are writable, there is no issue.
(This issue started in 4.26, hasn’t worked in 4.26.1 or the current 4.26.2)
Sorry for the long post. I wasn’t sure if launch engine, push fmod file was detailed enough even though that’s the root of the problem. (Note: Files only listed to push through engine, workaround is push through source control software rather than Unreal Engine)
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Thanks for the detailed explanation. Unfortunately I still can’t reproduce this problem in my own testing.
The way this workflow should work is that when a team member opens a UE4 project with the FMOD integration the plugin will compare the FMOD bank files on disk with the generated uassets and update, generate and delete any previously generated assets which no longer match the files on disk. When working with source control integration this process should take care of checking uasset files out when they are modified, and marking them for add or delete when they are created or destroyed. If the uasset files are read only on disk but source control integration is not enabled then you would get error messages in the log when the FMOD plugin is unable to write those files. It definitely shouldn’t crash. In my own testing with the current UE4.26.2 and FMOD 2.01.09 integration all of this works as described / expected.
Are you able to provide UE4 logs from when the crash is occurring? They should shed some light on what is going wrong here.
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Very cool! Yeah, I guess the issue is fixed on my end now. Not sure what exactly was the fix, once you said it worked on your end I just went for a clean workspace and that did the trick. Possibly something left behind in the intermediate or build folder was messing things up?
It’s feasible if there was something left write-only and not added to source control that the source control integration wouldn’t manage it correctly, it still shouldn’t have been causing a crash but I’m glad to hear that it’s come good now!
Please let us know if the issue comes back, and see if you can get logs if it does.
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