Here is an error message that I cannot determine how to solve:
[FMOD] RuntimeBankModel::openFile : Failed to open file ‘EF_2/Build/Desktop/.bank’
FMODUnity.RuntimeManager:DEBUG_CALLBACK(DEBUG_FLAGS, StringWrapper, Int32, StringWrapper, StringWrapper) (at Assets/FMOD/src/Runtime/RuntimeManager.cs:28)
Anyone have clue how to resolve this?
- All of the sounds are playing, but I get this error.
- There is only one FMOD application file in the list
- All Sounds are loaded to the correct Bank
What versions of FMOD and Unity are you using?
Are you able to share the output from the console at all?
I have the same error. I use FMOD 2.00.14 and Unity 2019.4.9f1
[FMOD] FMOD_OS_Net_Read : read failed with errno 9
FMODUnity.RuntimeManager:DEBUG_CALLBACK(DEBUG_FLAGS, StringWrapper, Int32, StringWrapper, StringWrapper) (at Assets/Plugins/FMOD/src/Runtime/RuntimeManager.cs:28)
This error appears to be different from original post.
Are you able to share the entire log output at all?