Using FMOD to load an audio file with a specified path in Unity

Let’s use “Automation and Modulation” as an example:
As you can see below, this is the page you provided me with.

It describes most of the content in great detail, and we can see what it is used for. But I can’t find any description of the API.
I know that FMOD is an audio middleware in order to allow audio engineers and programmers to do their jobs, but for an indie game developer, this makes it exponentially harder to find.
In order to be able to modify values at runtime, I had to go searching for the API specifically, as in the example above, and it was only through a dedicated search that I found some clues within the post.

I realized that I needed to use the “setParameterByName” function to modify the value.

The introduction page of this function is very detailed, but if you do not go to understand, who will know what “Name” refers to the “Parameter name”? I know it has to pass parameters, but what should it pass? I don’t know.
For another example, there are options below it, such as “setParameterByID”.

We see that it needs to pass two parameters, but we don’t know what they are, so we click on the link after it to jump to it.

The explanation is good: “First half of the ID.”, “Second half of the ID.”.
What do they stand for? I don’t know.

These are my personal opinions, and perhaps I have not yet mastered the correct way to read the documentation, but these are some of the problems I encountered in this event.

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