Windows sound mixer doesn't completely mute audio

FMOD Studio API Version: 2.02.18

Hello, I recently integrated FMOD and added simple code to play an event for background music. I attempted to mute my game through the Windows Sound Mixer on the OS, which did decrease the volume but I was able to faintly hear the music. It does mute completely if I mute everything globally.

Here is how the studio system is initialized:

    FMOD_Studio_System_Create(&>modStudioSystem, FMOD_VERSION);
    FMOD_Studio_System_Initialize(fmodStudioSystem, MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS, FMOD_STUDIO_INIT_NORMAL,
                                  FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, "path");

Here is how I load an event:

    FMOD_RESULT result = FMOD_Studio_System_GetEvent(audioEngine->fmodStudioSystem, eventPath, &eventDesc);
    if (result != FMOD_OK)
        return result;

    result = FMOD_Studio_EventDescription_CreateInstance(eventDesc, instance);
    return result;

Here is how I play the sound:


And of course, I update the system in my game loop:


Is this a bug with the OS or audio driver, or did I miss a setting for FMOD?
Thanks for the support!


Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to reproduce the behavior you’re describing on my end. As the FMOD system should only output to a single driver/device, it’s likely that this is an issue with your output driver or device and not with the FMOD system. That said, you may be able to see more information from the FMOD system, if there is any, by enabling logging with Debug_Initialize and setting the debug flag to FMOD_DEBUG_LEVEL_LOG.

If possible, a video (with audio) of you providing a brief reproduction of the issue may help to more clearly illustrate and potentially diagnose the problem.