When packaging a build for Xbox One, the submission validator reports that PDBs for the FMOD DLLs can’t be found. It seems UE4 sets _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable (which specifies a path the submission validator to look for PDBs) to the binaries folder for the project. If add a step to copy the FMOD PDBs into that folder, the validator then complains that there are PDB files included in the package. Is there an accepted way of solving this situation?
<component>Symbol Resolution and Bundling</component>
<warning>Symbol file not found for E:\TeamCity\BuildAgent\work\66b60c86f823414d\DCGame\Saved\StagedBuilds\XboxOne\DCGame\Binaries\XboxOne\fmod.dll. Try specifying a semicolon delimited list of paths where symbols can be found for this file to /symbolpaths via MakePkg (October 2016 and later XDKs) or setting the environment variable _NT_SYMBOL_PATH. The GUID for this PDB is {2E602612-AE68-4BC1-BA5F-985247B58D9C}.</warning>
<warning>Symbol file not found for E:\TeamCity\BuildAgent\work\66b60c86f823414d\DCGame\Saved\StagedBuilds\XboxOne\DCGame\Binaries\XboxOne\fmodL.dll. Try specifying a semicolon delimited list of paths where symbols can be found for this file to /symbolpaths via MakePkg (October 2016 and later XDKs) or setting the environment variable _NT_SYMBOL_PATH. The GUID for this PDB is {2E38483D-CF79-4939-B5EE-927A69FAB5C6}.</warning>
<warning>Symbol file not found for E:\TeamCity\BuildAgent\work\66b60c86f823414d\DCGame\Saved\StagedBuilds\XboxOne\DCGame\Binaries\XboxOne\fmodstudio.dll. Try specifying a semicolon delimited list of paths where symbols can be found for this file to /symbolpaths via MakePkg (October 2016 and later XDKs) or setting the environment variable _NT_SYMBOL_PATH. The GUID for this PDB is {DA25E022-DC15-44BC-AE1F-C6A8312AD97B}.</warning>
<warning>Symbol file not found for E:\TeamCity\BuildAgent\work\66b60c86f823414d\DCGame\Saved\StagedBuilds\XboxOne\DCGame\Binaries\XboxOne\fmodstudioL.dll. Try specifying a semicolon delimited list of paths where symbols can be found for this file to /symbolpaths via MakePkg (October 2016 and later XDKs) or setting the environment variable _NT_SYMBOL_PATH. The GUID for this PDB is {27E1BD2B-9E67-4E1B-91F8-0070E3F2E752}.</warning>
<warning>Symbol file not found for E:\TeamCity\BuildAgent\work\66b60c86f823414d\DCGame\Saved\StagedBuilds\XboxOne\DCGame\Plugins\FMODStudio\Binaries\XboxOne\fmod.dll. Try specifying a semicolon delimited list of paths where symbols can be found for this file to /symbolpaths via MakePkg (October 2016 and later XDKs) or setting the environment variable _NT_SYMBOL_PATH. The GUID for this PDB is {2E602612-AE68-4BC1-BA5F-985247B58D9C}.</warning>
<warning>Symbol file not found for E:\TeamCity\BuildAgent\work\66b60c86f823414d\DCGame\Saved\StagedBuilds\XboxOne\DCGame\Plugins\FMODStudio\Binaries\XboxOne\fmodstudio.dll. Try specifying a semicolon delimited list of paths where symbols can be found for this file to /symbolpaths via MakePkg (October 2016 and later XDKs) or setting the environment variable _NT_SYMBOL_PATH. The GUID for this PDB is {DA25E022-DC15-44BC-AE1F-C6A8312AD97B}.</warning>