[Bug][2.02.04] WebGL crash - float unrepresentable in integer range at _FMOD_OS_Time_GetUs

Hi There,

If our WebGL project is left running, after ~70minutes, an exception occurs in the FMOD stack which throws every frame subsequently and effectively freezes/crashes the experience,

The call stack is:

profiling.wasm:0x1c8bbdf Uncaught RuntimeError: float unrepresentable in integer range
    at _FMOD_OS_Time_GetUs (profiling.wasm:0x1c8bbdf)
    at __ZN5FMODZ9TimeStamp7stampInEv (profiling.wasm:0x1d00e4c)
    at __ZN5FMODZ6Output3mixEPvj (profiling.wasm:0x1d044c2)
    at __ZN5FMODZ6Output11mixCallbackEP17FMOD_OUTPUT_STATEPvj (profiling.wasm:0x1d041d3)
    at __ZN5FMODZ14OutputWebAudio9mix_to_jsEi (profiling.wasm:0x1cf618e)
    at _FMOD_JS_MixFunction (profiling.wasm:0x1cf612b)

My guess is a number which ticks ever higher reaches a value that causes the WASM error after ~70mins.

This is a fairly impactful bug for us - is it known/any work arounds?



Iā€™ve created a minimal repro using the FMOD test project and hosting it at Unity WebGL Player | fmod_safari_bug

Repro Instructions:

Open link in Chrome or Safari on MacOS (havenā€™t tested other Operating Systems)

  1. Click Async Load Banks
  2. Click Emit Event
  3. Click Initialise Audio
  4. Wait for ~70minutes
  5. Observe crash

You can find the unity project that was built for this at:



Iā€™ve updated this repro project in the previous post, including symbols so the call stack is in the error Unity WebGL Player | fmod_safari_bug

New project link:

Would edit the post above but I think thatā€™s time limited!

Thanks for all that info Matt, Iā€™m looking into it at the moment and will let you know how I go.

Hi, iā€™ve narrowed this down to a bug in the fastcomp branch, which Unity versions below 2021.2 use. Upstream emscripten does not have this issue.

What version of Unity are you using? My ā€˜quickā€™ solution is to use a newer Unity version, otherwise we can release a patch to pre-clamp numbers before they are converted into the integer. We could possibly provide a custom build for this if it is urgent.

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:tada: Nice one on tracking it down, thatā€™s great! And thank you for jumping on it :pray:

Unfortunately we are blocked on our Unity upgrade path due to an unrelated WebGL performance regression present in 2021 (which we are working with Unity on)

Re. patch release - an FMOD update/patch would be great assuming that the patch is likely to release in the next 2 months?

If that timeframe is optimistic, then would love to explore if a custom build is possible.

looks like we got lucky , a patch just made it in for the upcoming release which may be out today. This will be 2.02.07 or 2.01.16

Amazing!!! Just want to check I understand your use of the word ā€œorā€ between the versions.

If it comes out in 2.01, does that mean we are waiting the next release cycle for it to land in 2.02? And if so whatā€™s the rough cadence of patch releases?

sorry I meant ā€˜andā€™. I just mean you can pick one or the other.

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Gotcha! Thanks, keeping an eye outā€¦

this is out now

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2.02.07 does indeed fix it, massive thanks to you, @cameron-fmod and the rest of the team for the hard work!