Bug & Suggestion: Multiple item condition edit

Hi! I have a bug and suggestions with condition editing. This has been tested en 2.02.24.

The bug is the following: If you select multiple items that have a condition that is labeled and you change the condition, only one will change and the rest you’ll have to change them manually one by one, even though they say they changed. This works as intended with discrete or continous parameters.

Here’s a video reproducing the bug

The Suggestions: Having the possibilty to select multiple conditions and being able to copy and paste them. This would be incredibly helpful for projects that are very condition based and you have to put a lot of the same stuff on dozens or hundreds of different items.

Thanks for the bug report! I’ve added this issue to our tracker.

After experimenting a little, I found a workaround that you should be able to use until we fix this: If you deselect the event and then reselect it before bulk-editing the trigger conditions, the bulk edit will work correctly.

I’ve also added your suggestion that we support copying and pasting of trigger conditions to our feature and improvement tracker. Thanks for the feedback!

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